Monday, July 18, 2011


It took some head scratching, and a lot of looking out the window, but I think we've finally got this water thing mastered.  Hurrah!!  (OK.....Hubby mastered it, but I supported him all the way!)  Last week, Hubby upped the watering schedule because it looked like - well, more than looked liked - everything was dying again.  Never mind that it is too HOT for anything to grow, we really didn't look forward to replacing everything on the property.  When the weeds won't even grow you just know you're in Trouble!  Even after the water increase, our yard and plants were getting browner - some to brownEST!  Hubby is the sprinkler guy in our house.....sometimes it takes a little math (which is what it was in this case, and you all know that is not my strength!)  It's a long explanation, but he got it back on track and already things are showing signs of life.  I took a quick survey - yes, I actually went outside and poked around a bit - and can see green life under the dead stuff.  I sooooo want to clean out the dead stuff, but I think I'll wait a bit.  It's so hot I figure that the dead stuff might provide a little growing time protection for the tender new parts.

We went to see Zoo Keeper on Saturday.  It wasn't a great movie - extremely predictable - kinda cheesy in parts.  Afterwards we got to talking though, and I realized that we didn't hear one cuss word, there was no nudity, and really no secret adult humor or crude references.  It was actually "cleaner" than a lot of the Disney movies I've seen.  While I might not tell you that you should rush to the theater, it made for a great family movie.  You wouldn't even have to think of a distraction for your kids, or try to explain some embarrassing moment that you're not quite ready to discuss!  I'm giving it the following rating because it was cute, and I want to encourage the movie industry to make more family movies.  Like they follow my blog!  Oh well, gotta start somewhere.

The even better part of the movie was that when we arrived home, we discovered that the electricity was out. With 105 degree days, this is not a good thing!  We called a neighbor to see if she could give us the scoop.  It had been out for about two hours (perfect movie timing) and was supposed to be out for another two.  Fortunately while we were trying to decide where we might go to enjoy actual air-conditioning, it came back on.  What did those pioneers do?? All that clothing.....all that air-conditioning????

Extreme Gratitude for-
- Electricity
-Sprinkler systems, and the Great Guy who knows how to program it!!
-Life-giving water, and a God who restores life to the dead!

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