About an hour later I was still awake and struggling with a nagging headache. I decided I might as well haul myself out of bed and take some Advil as it looked like I wasn't going to shake it off. About the same time, I remembered that I had dropped some ice onto the kitchen floor while tending to the ice-maker. Drats! Why hadn't I taken the time to pick it up?? Now I was going to have to go wade through cold water to get something to take the Advil with. I was smarter than usual though, because when I finished with my ice water before I went to bed last night I left the glass - ice included - on the bedstand! Yeah!! Sometimes I even surprise myself!
Still dealing with the headache this morning, I went to fetch the Advil again. My furry girlfriend had moved over to the other side of the hallway and seemed pretty intent on her mission. I'm never one to let some interesting item pass me by, so I decided to check it out. OOOOOHHHHHH...........
I've not had to deal with these in my own home before so I wasn't sure exactly what to do. (Other than grab the camera and take a picture. Which, of course, is what I did!) Next thought was...Hmmmm...we just had the exterminator spray the perimeter of the house. I HAVE A SCORION IN MY HOUSE!! My first impulse was to call my personal security officer who lives next door. He would surely know what to do. He always has a plan. He is always there checking on my security and taking care of my medical needs. (He has band-aids and peroxide at the ready and a septic stick - which I've never given my consent for!) I called. No answer. I knew they were home...I had just gotten off the phone with her. I NEED A HERO!! Turns out they were on the phone with someone in Europe.....like they shouldn't just hang up on them and help me! Anyway....I put on my big girl panties and dealt with it. I grabbed some shoes and some paper towels. I managed. He's gone - Hopefully a "he" and babyless!! Maybe I don't need a hero after all.
On further thought, Hubby is home now so I think I will let him take over such matters. After all, sometimes a girl really does need a hero!
Gratitude for:
- Advil
- Hubby is home once again.
- An observant kitty. Sure glad I didn't step on a scorpion with bare feet!
- Bravery and a slow moving scorpion who never saw it coming.
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