No one will ever accuse me of being overly patriotic or of being especially politically savvy, but I can tell you that I feel strongly that it is important for us each to exercise our right to vote. It is truly a privilege afforded to us in this country. Men and women have died, and continue to die, because of such freedoms. It seems everywhere we turn that people are discontent with life in America. The voices are raised on our televisions, on the bumpers of our cars, and throughout the social media that so many of us enjoy. Yes, there is much that can be addressed, and much that needs to be "fixed" in the good old USA, but if you don't vote, can you really complain? There are other countries who pretend to hold elections, but often they are held with threats (some at gunpoint). We take soooooo much for granted. We give in too easily when we are discontent. It is easier to complain than to actively participate in the process for change. We become cynical about our political system choosing to believe our votes can't make a difference. Our votes can make a difference however - especially at the local polls.
Early voting for municipalities here in Texas began today. Election day is May 12th. In our little burg, there are 7 people running for 3 city council seats. Believe me, voters have the opportunity to significantly impact the future of our city! I doubt that we are in the minority! Wherever you are - when your community is holding local elections - GO VOTE! You can make a difference!
Gratitude for:
-Freedom to vote!
-People who are willing to step up and work for our communities to make them great places to live
-Good friends who stop just to chat
-Dinner with Hubby - even if it has to be fast!
I'd vote for steve if I lived in Justin!