Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Yada Yada Yada

This is a boring update on what's been going on the last few days.  Posting my medical escapades is not what this blog has ever been intended for, and if you want to leave now, I won't hold it against you!  Several people have called me during this time, and I've had to change some plans so this is simply the best way to explain what's been going on in one venue without repeating the story over and over again.  (Good-bye to those who are moving on to something more interesting!  See ya later.)

Several months ago I had a CT scan and ultrasound which confirmed that I had two cysts on a kidney.  Nothing to worry about.  They are small, benign, and sloooowwwww growing.  After visiting a urologist during that time, another appointment was made for this past Monday for another ultrasound just as a follow up, and to see it they are behaving themselves and not inviting friends to a grand party in there.  My appointment with the Dr. to review the results was scheduled for this morning.  I dutifully went to the ultrasound, and really didn't think much about it afterward.  Wellll......about 5:00 yesterday afternoon I got a call from the Doctor's office telling me I had an appointment (they were squeezing me in) at 8:30 this morning for a CT scan, I was to wait for the films, and then head directly to the Dr.'s office from there.  This pretty much freaked us out.  It was totally unexpected and moving at lightening speed.  Hubby quickly cancelled his appointments for the morning so he could go with me.  We really didn't talk about it much, and we had no idea what to expect.  The real truth was that although we were trying to optimistic, it didn't sound good.  They kept us waiting for my appointment for, oh...., about 10 years.  When we went into the room, we both noticed that there was a box of Kleenex waiting on the exam table.  OH NO!!  By now, we are pretty much jumping out of our skin.  After praying for good news, we were bracing for the worst.  BUT IT WAS GOOD NEWS!!  The cysts are growing more rapidly than usual (they have doubled in size over the past six months) which probably means that I will have to have some surgery to close them at some point, but there is nothing really serious.  I have an appointment to do another ultrasound in six months, but I don't think we will panic again. (Including the Doctor!)

The worse news is that somewhere in my travels the past few days (the bounce house?)  I made some insect enemies.  My legs are covered with bites and, ohhhhhhh,  theyyyyy, ITCH!!!!  I asked my urologist if he was a dermatologist on the side.  He laughed and then looked at my legs.  He wrote me a prescription, but also suggested some over the counter stuff.  Between the bites and the worry, I've not been able to sleep the past couple of nights.  I'm praying that I can crash tonight!

Gratitude for:
- Medical science that can "see" what's going on in there.
- A radiology tech who was able to get an IV in my arm in only 2 tries!  That's a great feat.
- Good results
- Steroid cream for my itchy legs!

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