A little over a year ago I injured my right shoulder. Before you say "a YEAR ago????", let me assure you that I did go see an orthopedist at the time and he gave me a cortisone shot. It helped....a little.
As the months have marched on, it has become more and more problematic, so I mentioned it to my Doctor when I was there for a yearly follow up on some medication she prescribes for me. She did a cursory exam, and then sent me for X-rays and an MRI a couple of weeks ago. The report back from the radiologist was replete with issues.
After conferring with Dr. Dave (my brother), we pretty much came to the same conclusion. Surgery was probably in my near future. Not what I wanted to think about, but I know I need help.
It hurts.
A lot!
I started thinking about what all that was going to entail. It's my right shoulder, and I'm right handed. It's the smallest of things that worry me. I went through my closet only to discover that 95% of what is in there has to be put on over my head. Ladies, go look in your closets....I'll guarantee you'll discover the same thing. After doing some shopping around, there isn't really even much on the market that doesn't go on over your head!
Then there's driving. Nope.
Then there are things like going to the bathroom......oh, THAT'S going to be interesting.
God help me! Seriously!! I know that's pretty whiny considering that there are many people who don't have a roof over their heads right now, and I have a very nice one. I know that God's listening ears are pretty full of much more important matters than my poor shoulder. However, God, if you have a moment........
Yesterday I added a new Doctor's name to my contacts list. He is an orthopedist that specializes in arthris care. He ordered a few more X-rays, reviewed my MRI, and gave me a fascinating (to me anyway) exam. I have one more test I have to do this coming week, but he told me he thinks he can make my shoulder 95% better, and I might not have to have surgery at all! That remains to be seen, but if I do, they will be able to do it arthroscopicly. This guy is my new Best Friend. That doesn't mean it's going to be easy, but next week I start the healing process! Yippee Skippee!
Oh, and God......Thank You for listening!
Gratitude for:
- a God who listens and cares about us
- Marvelous medical advancements
- realizing how many friends I have who care.
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