A little while back my daughter-in-law found this little Singer 221 Featherweight at a garage sale, and picked it up for me.

The lady who was selling it told her it had been skipping stitches, but not much other information. After some prompting, a small bag of accessories was found, and a nominal fee agreed upon. It came with a case too, but I think that's pretty much toast.

The first thing I did was try to date the machine. I was really surprised not to find the serial number on a plate nor etched into the metal on the bed. Hmmmm.....where could it be?? I searched and searched. I finally found it on the bottom of the machine after I took the plate off! She was made in 1941. I already have another featherweight which I love, so I was excited about this great find.
I know you've heard the expression, "Beauty is skin deep." Well... in this case, it's definitely true! She is very gunky inside! YUCK! I'm really glad I put some paper down before I started so I could just crumple it up with the "droppings" and old, old, OLD gross oil globs! There are a couple of gears that have teeth missing too. My guess is that at some point she's been dropped, although the bars seem to be in ok shape. She's also one hot mama....as in it didn't take me very long to unplug her after I plugged her in! Yikes!

This is what she looks like in her current state. Poor Beauty. The great thing is that I'm learning A LOT. I haven't quite gotten to the gears that need to come out yet, but I think I'll figure it out. (They are the Arm Shaft Bevel Gear - Horizontal, and Vertical. Impressed yet??) She has lots of mysteries yet to teach me about herself. I don't know if I'll be able to get her back together or not. We'll see. I found a website that has a tutorial on rewiring the motor. Will I be adventuresome enough to try it?? Hmmm.... I'm enjoying the adventure at any rate.
There is also a place I could send her to get re-painted, and they'd put her back together for me. If I can find that buried treasure in my back yard, I'd love to do that. In my delusional moments, I think I get her back together, working, and looking good.
Right now the internet is Beauty and my best friend!
Gratitude for:
- A Daughter-In-Law who loves finding treasures at garage sales.
- The World Wide Web of much more knowledgeable people that I!
- Oil and Kerosene for Beauty, and a hot shower and soap for Me.
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