Friday, June 1, 2012

Slow Learner

Yesterday was a much more interesting day than I had planned.  It started out with being awakened with a good old Texas thunderstorm - including hail.  Thankfully it had moved on before I needed to move myself on! There are three wonderful things about storms:  1)The rain - which means that our new trees and garden got a good watering. 2) Cooler temperatures, which are always welcome on summer days. 3) The landscape becomes alive with vibrant color! This is one of the great things about country living - being able to appreciate God's beauty.
Buffalo family - there were two babies among the herd.

Freshly mowed hay field along the way

Looks like there will grapes for jam this year!
  I spent a few hours with "the girls" yesterday.  Due to travel and health issues we haven't seen as much of each other as we would like, so it was great to get together.  (and plot a few projects!)

I arrived home to await the call telling me it was time to pick up my neighbor at the airport.  They had told me that it would be around 5:30, unless the flights were changed or delayed.  They were flying in from Europe, and so many things could happen in their travels along the way.  I realized about 5:00 that I had not heard from them, so I decided to head out after talking to another neighbor who had spoken to them from Atlanta a few hours before.  As I tried to leave a message on their cell phone that I was coming, I found out that my own phone wasn't letting me make or receive calls!  At that point, I'm in a panic!  I'm already late...I can't contact them....Had they left a message for me and I hadn't gotten it? ...OH NO!!  After pulling the battery, my phone seemed to be working okay, but the guy across the street loaned me his just in case.  At least I was able to leave a message for them, and would be able to call them once they were on the ground!  It's now almost time for them to land, I've not even left the house, and it's rush hour.  This doesn't bode well for weary travelers who just want to get home.  At this point, however, I realize that I can pick up Hubby on my way and we can both go to the airport and maybe be able to take them for a quick bite on our way back.  Just as we were finally ready to rush off, my phone rang.  It was the travelling neighbor who was now in a panic to get in touch with me.  The original arrangements they had made (and didn't include me) had come together, so they didn't even need me to pick them up.  They were worried that I was already at the airport waiting! The moral of the story??  Let God handle the details! We were ALL in panic mode, but it was all under control.  If we would've listened closely, we could have heard God saying, "It's OK - I've got you covered!"

I wish I could say I learned that lesson.  It wasn't an hour later that my sister called me, and I needed to be reminded again.  Stuff happens.  The good news is that at least this time I took a breath and didn't totally react with panic and anger.  I may be a slow learner, but at least I am learning!

Blessings of:
- Rain
- Good neighbors who watch out for each other!
- A caring husband who listens to the saga of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your past or some people in your past keep rising up to kick you in the pants..Love You!!
