We've been living under a gray cloud of sorts at our house. There's just been lots of things that have been unsettled. That hasn't changed, but I got to go over and have Nana time last night. Andrew's other grandma was there too while Mommy and Daddy got some much needed respite (she was babysitting, I was just an add on). We had a good time together. Evelyn and I don't get much time to chat or to enjoy our grandson together, so it was a treat. I missed seeing Mommy and Daddy, but I know they appreciated having some together time. We will catch up with them soon! I've noticed a definite mood and energy change today for me. Thank Heaven for little boys!!
I managed to mow the back forty this morning. To those who may be concerned.... Yes, I wore long pants, long socks, and long sleeves. Yes, my neighbor made sure I was sprayed well with bug spray. Yes, I spent the afternoon with my foot up. ( yes, it hurts! Lol). The cloud over our house will be changing later this week. They are going to aerial spray for Mosquitos a couple of times. While I don't like the idea of those chemicals in the air, I really dislike the fact that we could get sick worse! The creek is up so I'm sure there are a few of those pesky Mosquitos looking for dinner.
Gratitude for
- time with Andrew and Grandma
- increased energy and motivation
- time with Hubby tonight!
- Posted using BlogPress
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