Friday, May 25, 2012

Bike Ride Anyone?

Someone found this cool web experience on , so I thought I'd share with all of you!  If you type in an address, you can go on a bike ride around the area. If you don't have an address, you can just type in the name of a town.  (Even a "blink and you'll miss it" kind of town!) It moves kind of slow, and sometimes the streets are limited to what direction you can go, but it's still really interesting.   You can zoom in or out so you can determine how you want to see your landscape and of course you're riding a Huffy bike!  I typed in some pretty small town areas and it came right up. Go ahead and click on the link and give it a go.  Have fun!

By the way, on a rather sad note, I am no longer in first place in NASCAR fantasy racing.  Really....all I wanted was to win the first segment (there are three) and I only had one race to go.  I knew the fall was bound to happen, but I could almost hope.  Some snake beat me, he said he was really sorry, but he beat me fair and square.  I know all that, but seriously, does he look sorry to you?

Gratitude for:
- Fun and Laughter
- A great guy in my life!
- Morning walks with a friend

1 comment:

  1. Should have rode past my house. I would have made you a glass of iced tea.
