Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Life seems to be getting more and more crazy with meetings (yes, I know, adding city council meetings into the mix is NOT simplifying), work demands, and well....just life.  I am feeling the need to simplify not only the amount of possessions that consume my time, but also my lifestyle in general.  I find myself being drawn towards a lifestyle that affords more time for reading and communing with my God, meeting the needs of those who matter most in my life, and sewing and completing the vast number of unfinished projects that lurk in the shadows of the closets in my house (this alone will take up most of the rest of my life!)

I have made a concerted effort to cut down on my computer time, and Hubby and I have instituted a nightly curfew on electronic use - other than the TV since we almost exclusively get our news at 9:00, and we usually turn it off after the weather anyway.  At least we are watching together! The phone is an exception to that rule also, but only for calls.  Last night I turned off my phone for the ceremony, but turned in on shortly after.  I live a significant distance from my elderly father, and it kind of freaks me out not to have my cell phone on in case he needs me!  Really - the only phone calls that occur after 9:00 in our house are usually those of an urgent nature anyway.  It has only been a short while since the mandate has been made, but I think we both find it somewhat of a relief to end the day on a quieter note.

It always amazes me (although I don't know why it does) that whenever I feel led to do something, things come across my reading list that seem to reinforce the whispers in my heart.  Today I read an article published by the Alban Institute that talked about exactly these issues.  Two of the points that were made really jumped off the page to me.

The first was simply to Breathe!  I am the queen of multitasking - so much so that often something gets lost in the midst of the day - it's usually my brain.  It usually just gets muddled to the point where it doesn't function very well at all.  I have a friend who laughs with me because I am constantly saying that "when this is over, maybe I can breathe a little!"  Trouble is, when that thing is over, something is right behind it to take it's place.  Today's reading rather pointedly suggested that rather than immediately rushing from one activity to another (or constantly having more than one thing going on at once), we (I) should take a moment to breathe deeply between them allowing myself to be open to God's Spirit to lead me through my day.  I have to chuckle because despite the fact that I have painted "Let the Spirit Breathe" above my front door, I rarely actually choose to do so!

The second point was made to walk prayerfully.  The suggestion was made to park away from wherever our destination is to allow time to walk prayerfully and again, allow the Spirit space to work in our lives.  (There are also side physical benefits to this as well as soul benefits!) I really think that instituting these practices can dramatically change anyone's life - and especially my own.  These on top of my daily practice of gratitude and WOW...

I'm off to breathe little now.  Want to join me?

Gratitude for:
- The time to breathe and appreciate God's blessings
- Life stories shared by those around me
- Getting some projects finished!

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